
WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world and is used on nearly 75 million websites

According to WordPress, more than 409 million people view more than 23.6 billion pages each month and users produce 69.5 million new posts and 46.8 million new comments every month. It also powers more than 25% of the world’s websites.

Whether it’s personal blogs or major magazines and news organizations such as The New Yorker and the BBC, WordPress is gradually eating the internet and it’s not stopping. In 2017 its ubiquity is expected to increase further and it may even eat the world.  Even more importantly it is the CMS that Forbes itself uses.

This report from Forbes,

For contributors to this site such as myself, it is a publishing platform that allows me not only to write easily, it also has simple bells and whistles (as well as more complicated ones) that add content to my work, add links to appropriate places and has the facility to include images and even tweets. While it takes some time getting used to, for me it IS the internet.

For some time now, however, it has been a little like the Wild West with hundreds of WordPress suppliers in a more-or-less unregulated industry with no widely acknowledged qualifications. In many cases, a monkey could do it, but that has changed hugely over the past three years; the numbers don’t lie.

There are thousands of so-called widgets, plugins and themes that are just as important for a one-person blogger than the world’s largest publishers. Gartner’s recent pace-layered application strategy shows that organisations can accelerate their innovation by choosing an array of systems that support business requirements on long-, medium- and short-term timescales.

Systems that maximise connectivity between the pace layers offer organisations competitive advantage. WordPress’ ubiquity has driven it to enjoy a rich ecosystem of connectivity and integration, something that the baked-in WordPress REST API now extends that connectivity infinitely. This is why things will accelerate in 2017.

WordPress’ success as CMS of choice for brands like Conde Nast and News International as well as the forementioned publishers speaks louder than the often-repeated myths of limited functionality and security concerns. Corporates are now looking at the license fees, proprietary IP and jack-of-all-trades approach of enterprise platforms.

One UK company that is passionate about the evolution and progression of WordPress from its origins as a simply blogging platform is Pragmatic, based in the maturing tech hub of Brighton, based on the coast 50 miles south of London.

Other companies in the city doing great work include local poster boy social media monitoring company Brandwatch and, according to market analyst Beauhurst, 1,500 other technology companies.

Pragmatic is increasingly rapidly after outgrowing its current offers and believes it is the open source nature of the platform, which is owned by the community and its easy integration with other platforms that make it the popular product it is.

Moreover, the company is seeing a huge difference in the quality of inbound big brands and existing client brands who are finally tapping into its potential.

“Over the past couple of years we’ve seen a sharp uptick in enquiries from large corporate and enterprise clients that are integrating WordPress as the CMS component within a larger digital marketing platform programme.

“They are asking serious questions about the value they really bring to organisations for whom digital is increasingly not only a core competency, but a bottom-line asset and critical competitive advantage,” said David Lockie, Founder, Pragmatic Web.

These adoptions of huge brands means that 2019 is likely to see the WordPress bandwagon carry merrily along.

Why Build Your Website In WordPress?

WordPress is a state-of-the-art web development and publishing platform. It is comprehensive, extensible and free. WordPress adheres to all major web standards and is compatible with all modern browsers. It is cloud based (online) system so is independent of operating systems. So whether you use a Mac, Windows or Linux, WordPress is the solution for you.

The World’s #1 Content Driven Web Publishing Tool

WordPress and other OpenSource technologies are giving non technical and technical people alike incredible tools to communicate and interact with the rest of the world as never before. And if people tell you that WordPress is just for blogging, think again!

WordPress is one of the most important technologies on the web today!

So what is WordPress?

A WordPress web/blog site is a full development platform for your online presence. WordPress gives you the tool to maintain and update your site without having to hire expensive web developers, graphic designers and consultants. It just takes a little imagination and some computer know-how.

Your WordPress site can reside anywhere, just like a regular website. Many people are now using WordPress as their primary website. WordPress can also be used to complement and enhance an existing site with blogging technology.

Very often the WordPress sites are installed in sub domains such as www.blog.yourdomain.com. The bottom line is – Every business whether large or small should be incorporating WordPress into their online strategy!

The thing about WordPress (and other open source products) is that we’re still just scratching the surface of a wave that is changing the world. Open source software and the whole ‘cloud computing’ paradigm are having a profound effect on the industry.

Open source software is now more than just a credible alternative to mainstream software; it is rapidly becoming ‘the’ mainstream. Budgets have taken a massive beating and for many, developing a website, hiring a graphic designer, buying Adobe Creative Suite or investing in any other commercially available technology has become just too expensive and too darned complicated. But open source software answers all of these issues because it’s powerful, intuitive and ‘free’… and how can you compete with free?

WordPress is at the forefront of the ‘open source’ revolution because it epitomizes all that ‘open source’ stands for. It empowers anyone to become a true part of the social media phenomenon. With WordPress, you can develop a fantastic website and blog; you can maintain it yourself, you can accommodate many contributors and vast quantities of materials; you can incorporate or share with an amazing assortment of social media sites such as Facebook, Biznik, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter and more. You become part of a global community that is expanding every day.

By utilizing WordPress, and 3 additional open source products, anyone with a little training and a lot of enthusiasm can get online with a site that they couldn’t have dreamed of just a few short years ago. The combination of WordPress, NVU (for HTML), Gimp (for graphics) and Filezilla (for transferring files) is a one stop shop to building professional, multi-user, multimedia websites and blog without any develop costs. And for many, WordPress and a well chosen theme is all they need.

You have to understand that WordPress is not just a ‘free’ alternative to the commercial products. It may be free but it is way better than just about anything available; which is why it is so widely used by major corporations and government bodies alike. ‘Paradigm shift’ is an overused term nowadays but it is completely apt for what’s happening in the whole ‘cloud computing’ / ‘WordPress’ development culture.

The individual is empowered like never before because he or she has access to exactly the same tools as the richest of companies. And when the penny truly drops, books, training, consulting and ancillary services will sell by the bucket load because the only cost in getting online (for websites, blogs, databases, eCommerce systems and much more) will be the cost of learning.

From my experience, many total novices learn enough in just a few hours to appreciate that by using WordPress, they can be empowered to do something that they would have previous thought of as ‘extra-ordinary’.

The acceptance and integration of Open Source software and WordPress into mainstream business is becoming more significant every day. Hundreds of millions, if not billions of instances will find their way onto people’s browsers. Cloud computing (viewing and processing through a browser) opens the door to everyone. It doesn’t matter whether they are using a Windows laptop in a coffee shop in Seattle, a MacBook in a glass office block in San Francisco or a Linux netbook in Nigeria. They all access the web, have equal access to WordPress and can benefit from all that free ‘open source’ software offers them. All they need is a way to learn how to use it.
