
There Are No Excuses: Get The World’s Number 1 Open Source CRM Today

Everyone in business knows that a website is a key marketing component, and most also understand that they should also have a customer relationship management system of some kind.

The fact is, businesses should have and integrate both into one seamless marketing system.

Everyone in business, regardless of how large or small their business is, should have a Customer Relationship Management system.  There is no excuse.

  • I have been told that staff won’t use a CRM system.  They like to do things their way and a CRM interferes with their process.
  • I have been told that a CRM system is too expensive or takes too long to learn.
  • I have been told that they have tried CRM and it just sat there.  They paid their fees but never got anything out of it.
  • I have been told many things but when it comes down to it, those are just excuses because CRM is not difficult to implement and it doesn’t have to be expensive.

So what exactly is CRM?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is designed to manage your organization’s relationships and interactions producing greater control, predictability and profitability.

CRM began with a focus on relationships with leads or prospects and customers with the simple goal to improve customer relationships. But CRM has evolved to encompass much more. Now, more comprehensive CRM programs support several business areas, including:

  • marketing and sales management,
  • inventory management,
  • personnel management,
  • supplier/vendor management,
  • marketing and business intelligence management.

You can select which area(s) are the most suitable for your business.

Automate Communications and Processes and Increase Profit

An effective CRM system assists in staying connected to customers, automating and streamlining processes, and ultimately improving your bottom line.

SuiteCRM is at its heart a tool that handles contact management, sales management, productivity, workflows and automation of processes more efficiently and effectively than humans.

I specialize in the world’s number 1 ‘open source’ product, SuiteCRM because it is equal to or better than any branded products and it’s FREE.  SuiteCRM enables you to focus on your organization’s relationships with prospects, customers, service users, colleagues, friends and family, vendors or suppliers, as well as business processes.  If they’re people, SuiteCRM can manage your relationship with them.

Christine Ely – WordPress and SuiteCRM Consultant from Christine Ely on Vimeo.

There is a cycle that is at the heart every CRM system.  It’s your life-cycle with people and that includes all aspects of the relationship from finding new customers, winning their trust and business, to providing support and additional services throughout the relationship. Every interaction is recorded and logged so the whole relationship from the first contact is in the system.

SuiteCRM serves everyone in the organization.

From the person at the top to the new recruit, SuiteCRM serves the sales department, marketing, customer service, opportunity management, business development, personnel, recruitment, dispatch and every other area in any business.  It also serves external interactions through customer portals and ticket management.

SuiteCRM is vast but so intuitive.

It is the place where you store customer and prospect contact information, identify sales opportunities, manage and record service issues, and of course automate and manage marketing campaigns.  Every successful business has a system in place and most of those systems are just manual practices.  SuiteCRM puts those practices into one place and it makes available all of that information to anyone in the company that has a need for it.

SuiteCRM is the ultimate collaboration tool. 

As SuiteCRM stores all interactions with your customers, and everyone in your company has access to the information they need from it, collaboration and productivity naturally increases.  When a customer calls, no matter who takes that call, he or she can see how the customer has been communicated with, see their previous purchases and when they purchased, whether they have had prior support tickets, whether they paid on time and so on.

SuiteCRM helps your business drive growth.

If you want a business that will grow and last, you need a sustainable strategy; one that can handle growth.  You need a system that will run the business whether you are there or not. You need a system that will take your business into the future.  You need to set goals, sales targets and business objectives and of course, you need to ensure that your business makes a profit.

SuiteCRM system features reports and dashboards’

SuiteCRM offersa clear overview of how your business is doing and again, all that information is in one place.  You’ll see the status of leads, orders, customer service issues, the sales pipeline, notes, outstanding tasks, status of projects and much more. You’ll be able to simultaneously monitor multiple campaigns, know where your prospect is in the funnel and what’s coming next.

SuiteCRM’s Superpower! Automated workflows.

Workflows schedule series of events to take place when certain actions are triggered.  A SuiteCRM workflow can take action whenever a contact form is completed on your website.  When a lead is created SuiteCRM will trigger actions. These could be to email back the potential customer thanking them for their contact and informing them that someone will be contacting them soon (as well as suggesting areas of the website to review) but then also emailing the relevant department, creating action tasks for appropriate personnel.  That lead will be managed throughout the workflow from first order and every interaction in the relationship into the future.

SuiteCRM Essentials – Web Forms

Every website has a contact form but for the most part, that form just sends an email to the website contact with the information from that form.

SuiteCRM is different in that it creates a record in SuiteCRM and that records can be acted upon but Workflows.

SuiteCRM has 3 modules that can be used to receive information from webforms.  They are:

  1. Leads
  2. Contacts
  3. Targets

We will go into more detail on these modules in a later lesson but for now we’ll create the webform for ‘Leads’.

SuiteCRM has a set of standard fields for all of these modules but you can add additional fields through the use of user-definable fields.

I always like to have a little bit of extra information in a webform to find out what type of interest my visitor has in visiting my website so I’m going to add a drop-down list to the webform; which will later be acted upon by a workflow.

First thing to do is head to ‘Admin’, note, you need admin rights to access the admin area of SuiteCRM.

From Admin, scroll down to the Developer Tools and select Dropdown Editor.

You’ll notice there are already a lot of dropdowns in use within the system so it’s worth taking a look at some of them to see what there.  Every dropdown can be used multiple times for user-defined fields.

We’re going to add a new drop-down called Inquiry Type:

I want to know from the visitor what their interest is so I’m giving them a choice of Maximizer CRM, SuiteCRM. WordPress or Other.  I am also adding a ‘blank’ response.  This is added by clicking on ‘Add’ with nothing in the ‘Item Name’.  Adding a blank field prevents another field from being the ‘default’ response.

Once we have created our new Dropdown list, we should head over to the ‘Studio’ to add this to the ‘Leads’ module.

From the Developer Tools, select Studio

Then from Studio, select Leads.

Click on Fields,

Then Add Field:

Select Data Type, Dropdown and from the dropdown list select the dropdown you just created.

Name your field (Note, field names cannot have spaces so use the underscore).  The Display Label can have spaces.  Let’s make this a required field, then…

Save the new field.

Now head back to Leads.  We have to make that field available to the record itself.

From Studio/Leads, Select Layouts. From there, select Edit View.

Now click the ‘Sync To Detail View’ check box.  That ensures that any changes we make in Edit Mode also update the Detail View; which is what you actually see in the record.

Editing records in SuiteCRM is a breeze.  Everything is ‘drag and drop’.

To add our dropdown field, we want to add an extra row to the record structure so grab the record object and drag it down to where you want to field to appear.

Once in place we can drag the newly created field to a slot in the new row.

Now click ‘Save & Deploy’

That field now appears in the Leads Module:

Now that we have all of the fields we want for our webform, we can create it.  Webforms are created from the Campaigns module so from the menu, select Campaigns.

We are going to create a campaign but not put any details into it for now.  We will be going into more depth on campaigns in a later lesson.  We just want the campaign name for the webform.

Click on Create Campaign, select type ‘Email’ and name the Campaign.  This will be used for the workflow in the next lesson.

Click Next to save the campaign then click on Create Person Form (Webform)

This presents us with a drag and drop screen that allows us to literally drag and drop the fields into the columns we wish to include into our webform.

Now we add the headings and details to the form:

Including the Form Header, Description, Redirect URL (where to direct the visitor once the form has been completed) and which Campaign we want to attach the webform to.  This is important for the Workflow and to identify the source of the record

This will take you to the editor where you can tweak the form and makes some last minute changes to how the form appears to your visitors:

When everything is as you want it, click Save Webform to generate the code for your website Contact page.

You can now embed this code into your website page.  If you’re using WordPress, click on the Text Tab, then paste the code into the page:

Publish the page and your new Webform will be active:

Completing the form and clicking submit will create the record in SuiteCRM

In my next lesson, we will create a Workflow to take action on this new record.


SuiteCRM Essentials – Cron Jobs [VIDEO]

SuiteCRM is the world’s number 1 Open Source CRM system and Cronjobs/Workflows play a big part in why.

Workflows are automated processes that trigger on changes to something within the system.  They can be triggered by a change of field status in a record or by something like a new record being added.

Cron is a Linux utility which schedules a command or script on your server to run automatically at a specified time and date. A cron job is the scheduled task itself. Cron jobs can be very useful to automate repetitive tasks. … Scripts executed as a cron job are typically used to modify files or databases.

So SuiteCRM Workflows can be triggered by a field or status being updated but what if you want to make a change or say send an email to a client that has not ordered anything for a period of time.  This is where the scheduler and cron jobs come in handy.

A cron job can be scheduled to ping the system say every 2 minutes or just once per hour.  On busy sites, I tend to run them every 2 minutes.  I will cover cron jobs and scheduled Workflows in much more detail in a later lesson.  For now, lets setup the cron jobs.

Cron jobs can be setup in your hosting CPanel but I find it much easier and more manageable to setup cron jobs through the ‘Easycron’ service which handles the scheduling for a very small fee.  Believe me, it’s worth it.

For those of you who want to learn more about SuiteCRM scheduler and cron jobs, head over to the SuiteCRM website and look for ‘Scheduler Jobs in SuiteCRM in Linux – the Definitive Guide

To setup cron jobs, you need to have access to an FTP client.  I use Filezilla.  You will need to make to small changes to the cron.php and config.php files in your SuiteCRM root directly.  These are of course, services I can offer you if you are not confident of doing them yourself.

To make changes to a php file you will need to use a text editor like Notepad or an HTML editor.  For simple changes like these, Notepad works just fine.

Just follow the simple steps below to configure cron jobs for your SuiteCRM.


Click image for Easycron support page

Using the ‘All Files’ option in Notepad, first open cron.php and then change the following code from:

if (substr($sapi_type, 0, 3) != ‘cli’) {

    sugar_die(“cron.php is CLI only.”);


to :

function easycron_get_ip_address() {

    if (isset($_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_REAL_IP’]) && !empty($_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_REAL_IP’])) {

        return $_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_REAL_IP’];

    } else if (isset($_SERVER[‘HTTP_CLIENT_IP’]) && !empty($_SERVER[‘HTTP_CLIENT_IP’])) {

        return $_SERVER[‘HTTP_CLIENT_IP’];

    } else if (isset($_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR’]) && !empty($_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR’])) {

        return $_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR’];

    } else if (isset($_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’]) && !empty($_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’])) {

        return $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’];

    } else {

        return ”;



$easycron_ip = easycron_get_ip_address();

$easycron_ip_is_from_easycron = false;

if (!empty($easycron_ip)) {

    $easycron_bot_ips_in_json = file_get_contents(‘’);

    $easycron_bot_ips = json_decode($easycron_bot_ips_in_json, true);

    if (filter_var($easycron_ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) {

                if (in_array($easycron_ip, $easycron_bot_ips[‘ipv4’])) {

            $easycron_ip_is_from_easycron = true;


    } else if (filter_var($easycron_ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) {

        if (in_array($easycron_ip, $easycron_bot_ips[‘ipv6’])) {

            $easycron_ip_is_from_easycron = true;




if (!$easycron_ip_is_from_easycron) {

    if (substr($sapi_type, 0, 3) != ‘cli’) {

        sugar_die(“cron.php is CLI only.”);



Then save.

I always rename original files that I have edited so before reuploading, rename cron.php in your SuiteCRM folder to old_cron.php

Now upload the edited file.

The true significance of what you are doing now will become clear as you run through my lessons and as your experience with SuiteCRM grows.

Now let’s make the changes to the config.php file as per the instructions on the Easycron support page.

Access the Easycron support page (from here)

Run through the same process as you did with the cron.php code following the instructions in the Easycron guide.  You will be adding your FTP username to the config.php file.

Rename the old file in the SuiteCRM root and upload your edited file.

Now update your Easycron dashboard with your credentials:

Open your cron job dashboard, click on ” Cron Job” button and enter the relevant details for your installation.

In field “URL to call”, enter (set cron job to run every minute)

(replace with your install location). Checkout below screenshot:

Your suiteCRM cron job should now be able to get triggered successfully from EasyCron.





SuiteCRM Essentials – Email Settings [VIDEO]

When you start SuiteCRM for the first time you will need to setup your outgoing email.  The outgoing email is essential as it handles all of the automated messages as well as Workflow based emails, Email Responders and direct emails to your Contacts.

Head over to Admin, scroll down to Email Settings.

As you can see from my Outgoing Email setup screen, I have added my,

From Name: Christine Ely

From Address:

I then entered the SMTP Mail Server credentials.  For my email I use Dreamhost but all hosting providers will provide instructions for the specific Mail Servers.

Ensure that you select ‘Enable SMTP over SSL or TLS?’.  For most users, SSL will be the preferred choice which automatically selects the default SMTP Port of 465.

Once you have entered your credentials, it is a good idea to send a test email to confirm everything is working.  You can see the result of that in the email receipt screen shot:

When you get that, you know that you have correctly setup your Outgoing Email.

Website and CRM Integration – Your Organization’s Super Power

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software is arguably the most valuable software your company can utilize, but it is also the most misunderstood and under used.  A CRM system (such as SuiteCRM; which I specialize in) implemented correctly and used by all relevant departments has a dramatic influence on the company’s revenue and profit.  Increases in revenue, after just a few months, of well over 200% are commonplace.

Although the term CRM is now synonymous with software it is a concept that has been utilized for decades by companies that operate customer centric policies. It basically involves the processes and methodologies employed in managing the relationships between the company and the customer.

Anyone in business, and especially in sales, knows that customers are fickle creatures. They want to be looked after, nurtured, and made to feel special. A typical customer’s basic instinct is to be loyal. It’s like any relationship. It may not be everything you want but it’s familiar and comfortable. But just like a relationship, if you ignore and neglect your customers, they may get a roving eye… and your competitors are always out there trying to snap them up.

Startup companies  only have a few customers, so it’s possible for staff to remember and manage them with a minimum of technology. They will provide a good service, keep track of their orders, call them every now and again to see that they’re happy, send them thank you cards and so on. That’s effectively Customer Relationship Management.  But what if you have ten customers, fifty? Will you remember every aspect of every transaction? Will you remember to follow up on every call?

Just about every company, organization, club or group will have some kind of web presence.  For some, that may just be a Facebook page but for most, it will be a website.  Over the past decade, one web technology has dominated all of the others.  It is open source and free.  That system is WordPress and it’s a technology that anyone can learn in a single day and one almost every business should employ.

Most websites have a contact page and most of those contact pages have a form that visitors can fill in; which will send an email to the company behind the website.  If the company has any marketing savvy, they will take the details of that email and enter them into a database.  Sadly, many will just respond and then forget that contact.


If the website is integrated with a CRM system however, the contact form will trigger what is called a ‘workflow’ which can put into motion a whole series of events.  For example:

  1. The CRM system will send a personalize email back to the potential customer
  2. A copy of the contact request will be sent to the relevant department to respond
  3. A record will be created in the CRM’s ‘Leads’ module
  4. A call will be scheduled to follow up with the potential customer
  5. The person making the call to the potential customer will log against the record the interests of the potential customer and then either convert the ‘lead’ to a customer or mark the lead as potential for future business
  6. A follow-up email will be sent to the ‘lead’ to ensure that the customer received the best possible service
  7. A new workflow will then take over the management of that lead/customer based on the information from the follow-up

The point is, that lead will never be forgotten. The system will automatically pick up that lead based on the data and act upon it time and time again.

The purpose of CRM software is to enable your organization to manage multiple customers personally; to automate processes that ‘touch’ customers on a regular basis and then to remember every instance of every conversation, email, appointment, or transaction of any kind. All of these transactions are stored directly in your customer’s unique record so that your total relationship with that customer is always available.

Good CRM systems feature ‘Campaign Managers’, which can automatically create a sequence of tasks and events.

Let’s say you meet a bunch of people at an event who express an interest in your service. You’ll enter them into the CRM system and then allocate them to a specific campaign. A typical campaign (series of tasks and events to be posted to the person’s record) may be:

  1. Send an email to express how happy you were to meet the person
  2. In 1 day: Send a flyer or brochure of your services by mail
  3. In 3 days: Make a phone call to reconnect and confirm that your flyer was received and is there anything more you can do at this time.
  4. In 10 days: Send eNewsletter (and add to monthly newsletter mailing list)
  5. In 21 days: Invite to your own network meeting

And so on…

Multiple activities can be created and applied to existing customers, new prospects, network partners or anyone else in your database. The whole series of events is immediately applied to the customer record and the system updates all the relevant task lists, to-dos and appointment schedulers.

No matter how many customers or prospects you have, the CRM system will be managing the relationship, sending out reminders and thank you cards, emails, scheduling phone calls, remembering renewal dates and much more. And all of these events and transactions will be neatly filed against the individual customer records.

Good CRM systems are now ‘cloud based’; which means that the data is stored ‘online’ and accessible at any time via desktop computers, wifi enabled tablets, and mobile phones.

You may be a great networker and try to keep in touch with your customers, but no human can match the power and persistence of a CRM system.  Where, in the past, you may have neglected to follow up, thank, send out renewal applications, cross sale and up sale notifications, special offers, anniversary cards, newsletters and so on, your CRM system will methodically churn out personalized materials and your customers will continue to love you and do business with you.

CRM software has become an incredibly important category. How well you know your customer will determine how much business he or she will do with you. As Sir Francis Bacon once said, “Knowledge is Power”. That knowledge can be contained in your CRM system.

Marketing Is Not Just American For Advertising

Many years ago I went to marketing school and on the first day the professor told a little story about the circus coming to town.  It’s a great story!

If the circus is coming to town and you paint a sign saying, “Circus is coming to Fairgrounds Sunday,” that’s Advertising. If you put the sign on the back of an elephant and walk him through town, that’s a Promotion. If the elephant walks through the Mayor’s flower bed, that’s Publicity. If you can get the Mayor to laugh about it, that’s Public Relations. And, if you planned the whole thing, that’s Marketing!–Author Unknown


Times have changed but the principal remains the same.  In a Web 2.0 world, you still need to advertise, promote, publicize, and do your PR but there are new tools AND new challenges out there!

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “you only get one chance at a first impression” but that warning should be doubly heeded in business.  Let’s say you’re going to a MeetUp network meeting to promote your new business to a room full of fellow business people.  You’re a little short on funds, so you decide to get your nephew (who knows a bit about computers) to create some business cards for you.  He can use a template on Microsoft Publisher and print them on your inkjet printer.

You know you should have a website so you Google search to find a hosting company that’ll register and host your site for next to nothing and has tools to build the site in under an hour.  Great! So that’s what you do and you’re on the web!

You have your details and email address on your business card:


So off you go to network, talk about your business and hand out your cards.

1.      Your business card is obviously home made because the ink ran when a drop of coffee splashed on it.

2.      You’ve gone for a free email account because it’s easy to setup and costs nothing but says nothing about your business but too much about you.

3.      Your point and click website is bland and formulaic.  It says little about what you really do but says an awful lot about what you don’t do!

Every business, whether small are large, has to portray its identity. If you hand out business cards that look like you designed and printed them yourself, what does that say to your potential customers? Is that how you’ll work for them?

The moral of that story is be professional at what you do best and get professionals to work on your behalf with the other stuff.  Your amateur ‘first impression’ will linger long after you come to your senses and present yourself professionally.

Preparation, Preparation, Preparation.

Don’t waste that first impression!  When it’s gone, it’s gone!

Marketing is about creating a comfortable and reassuring environment for your potential customers.  Once you achieve that, your products and services will sell themselves.

We don’t all have access to an elephant to parade through town but we can all create our own mix of marketing components.  The following details how to get your show on the road!

  1. A comprehensive website that is tailored to your services and clearly addresses the needs of your potential customers.  It should have a clear navigation system with easy access to what you do.  Contacting you should be just one click away.
  2. A website video.  No amount of text compares to actually seeing you.  Many potential customers will prefer ‘check you out’ before actually meeting you face to face… so why not let them meet you through a video on your website?  You can say a lot in 2 minutes about what you do and who you are.  Once you have the video, link it to your social network profile, create a YouTube page, put it on Facebook… then link it all together.
  3. A consistent business identity is essential.  Wherever your name appears, it should be consistent with other materials.  You should have a recognizable logo which appears on all of your marketing materials; website, truck, store front or forehead sticker! (ok forget the sticker)
  4. High quality business stationery.  Everything you pass out should be professional.  It shows intent to your customers and it reflects on you.
  5. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software. You cannot hope to remember everyone you meet so when you get a business card,  enter it into a system that will remember for you.  Follow up is vital in the marketing process.  A good CRM program allows you to keep track of all your customers, prospects, appointments, tasks, emails, and events.  It will also synchronize directly with your iPhone or Android device.That gives you real time access to marketing ‘intelligence’.
  6. Get some marketing training.  Marketing is about the mix  of events.  Remember the circus story and you’ll realize that marketing is not just an American term for advertising.

One final tip. Nothing beats word of mouth marketing.  Impress someone and they’ll tell a couple of people.  Appear unprofessional and provide a bad service – they’ll tell everyone they know!
